Thursday, July 21, 2005

Creation Myth

In the beginning it was as if non-existent. Actually we do not know if it was existent or non-existent because knowledge was not divided into the knower and the known. There was only the unmanifest, and no non-living or living entity whatsoever. Maybe it was Darkness or the Void. Or maybe it was consciousness embedded in Consciousness. One Alone was. In fact we cannot even say that it was, for there was no time to measure the past, present and future. Only a tremendous mystery pregnant with possibility, an unknown wonder pervading itself. Not a sound to disturb the Silence, not a form to occupy space. Nothingness, nothingness, nothingness.

Yet this apparent nothingness harbored a quiescent knowledge, for in the vastness of eternity there first appeared a dimensionless location from where originated a stir, a pulse, a ripple that reverberated and that instance was followed by another and a sequence began. Time was created and together with the movement of the spreading ripples, space. As time and space came into existence, the quiescent consciousness seemed to become chaotic with no purpose, no meaning - only a disorientation lacking structure and function. It seemed disastrous, but the primordial consciousness was also an intelligent knowledge principle in which a homeostatic possibility merged the chaos into itself. This was none other than absolute Love. At once the disorderliness was overwhelmed by this shining wonder. In the presence of Love, structures began to organize themselves. Rules were laid out and the elementary particles started to emerge in pairs, each embraced by its partner.

The grand drama of the cosmos began. A sense of joy and of creative happiness pervaded the cosmos, even though there were hardly any forms, and structures were yet unfinished. The self-aware knowledge began to formulate mathematical laws together with the all-pervasive energy that was everywhere. Information and energy combined to give shape to the ideas that were being dialectically formulated. Energy began to make very precise spins, like eddies in a river, and matter magically began to appear out of nothingness. With the attraction and repulsion of the basic blocks of prime matter, more complex forms came into existence. The living principle pervaded the newly formed matter in a hylozoic fashion. It was very miraculous and amazing. After a while the laws became self propagating and self-proliferating. The limits became apparent only when there was disharmony with time and space, or with Love. Accretions of ignorance appeared due to the imperfection of increasing complexity.

Since relative time had now become operational, it took billions of years for matter to settle down. The potent transformation never ceased in one form or another, at the same time there came to be stable masses where the elements remained relatively unchanged. In these circumstances a new drama took place in which elements combined in a very precise manner and became self-generating creatures. A stable environment assisted these creatures in their development and they were called living because of their stimulus and response. From the mineral world, in association with the sun and the moon, there came plants that were rooted to the ground. In the waters of the oceans that girdled the earth there emerged creatures gifted with mobility and the ability to swim. Some even had the freedom to move on land. The creative principle, never at rest, continued to express itself in myriad ways. Like a creative artist or a poet with a fecund imagination, the primordial consciousness operating from the core began to relate with its own manifestation at the periphery in a variety of ways. The centrifugal and centripetal game that ensued created one creature after another. But bewildered by the grandeur of the surroundings in which they were living, they were largely compelled to act on their self-preservative instincts.

Into this blindly instinctual world there came a higher manifestation of intelligence. This complex being was able to understand the meaning and purpose of the grand universe and all the creatures that inhabited it. Even this being had limitations, but being blessed with an innate ability to invent language, the being was able to transform the visible into the intelligible. Most of these beings were fearful and could only huddle together, but a few became bold and ventured to put searching questions. At first they made up stories to keep themselves amused and to explain things they could not understand. But then newer generations became smarter and were not satisfied with stories because they noticed that they could explain things more clearly by stating facts. The wisest of them were also the most kind and generous and they gave to their fellow beings the knowledge that would make them happy and set them free. Thus the perennial primordial quiescent original knowledge, without beginning or end, came to known itself through its manifestation. Those who know live in wonder.

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